Roof Console Roof Headlining 1 Drivers Cab)
The roof console houses the drivers cab interior lamp The headlining comprises a single moulded panel and
and a digital clock, and both of these can be serviced would normally only be removed if structural damage
without detaching the console from the headlining . had occured .
However, it will be necessary to remove the console to
gain access to the 'taxi for hire' sign illumination bulb on
to remove the headlining.
1 . Remove two retaining screws, detach console 1 . Remove retaining screws and detach both sun
from front mounting bracket and swing down as shown visors, see Figure 27 .
in Figure 26.
2. Remove rear view mirror, complete with stem
2 Disconnect wiring plug from digital clock and from retaining bracket.
leads from interior lamp and remove roof console . 3. Remove two screws and detach bracket.
3. Replace in reverse order. 4. Remove roof console as previously described.
5. Remove door aperture seals.
6. Carefully break the adhesive securing the
headlining panel on both sides, pull the headlining
forward to clear the division panel and remove from the
vehicle .
7. Replace in reverse order ensuring the correct
adhesive is used on both sides of the headlining panel .
At the time of going to print, the illustrations and text appearing in this workshop manual are representative of
manufacture . Whilst retaining the basic features shown herein, the manufacturer reserves the right to make,
at any time, and without necessarily updating this manual, any alterations considered convenient for
E improvement or for any other reason .
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the particulars contained herein, London Taxi
International will not under any circumstances be held liable for any inaccuracies or the consequences
thereof .
London Taxis International Ltd . 1987.
Section 1
20 Remove swivel bolt and adjuster bolt, detach
power steering pump from mounting bracket and move
to offside wing to facilitate engine removal .
13 ~J
T ~ M
MOOB 1 . \ \'
14 Pull wiring harness through radiator mounting
f rame .
. 15 Disconnect offside horn leads .
16 Remove earth lead from offside wheelarch .
17 Disconnect oil cooler pipes ( automatic vehicles
18 Remove six remaining bolts securing radiator
mounting frame to wheel arches and chassis .
21 Unscrew locknut and disconnect accelerator cable
from injector pump (on automatic vehicles disconnect
kick down cable from injector pump) .
~ 19 Lift out radiator and mounting frame complete
with expansion tank.
22 Disconnect brake servo pipe .
MO1 0
Note : On FX4S Plus models a new radiator mounting
frame has been fitted, see page 8 for removal
procedure .
27 Disconnect heater pipe from thermostat housing .
28 Disconnect heater pipe and temperature guage
sender unit lead at nearside rear of cylinder head .
23 Disconnect oil pressure pipe from oil filter.
24 Unscrew fuel pipe from pump .
29 Disconnect alternator harness plug .
30 Disconnect starter motor leads from starter
31 Unscrew retaining nuts and lower exhaust down
pipe from manifold.
25 Unscrew retaining nut and remove main lead
from glow plug .
32 Remove single bolt and disconnect exhaust down
pipe support bracket from chassis mounting .
33 Unscrew single bolt and disconnect exhaust
26 Disconnect lead from injector pump fuel cut off. silencer support bracket from chassis mounting .
38 Unscrew single retaining screw and remove taxi
34 Remove single bolt and disconnect exhaust tail meter lock bracket
pipe support bracket from chassis mounting .
39 Remove bolt, detach retaining clamp and
withdraw speedo cable.
40 On automatic vehicles unscrew speedo cable
from offside of gearbox .
41 Disconnect reverse light switch leads, if fitted .
M 020
35 Remove retaining bolts and detach drive shaft
from gearbox. Retain sensor plate.
36 Unscrew retaining nut and remove sensor switch
from mounting bracket .
42 Remove twelve screws and detach gear lever
gaiter, complete with retaining plate .
43 Remove partition support bracket screws and fold
back tunnel insulation to gain access to gear lever .
37 Remove retaining screws and detach speedo
cable access plate from inside the vehicle.
44 Remove three bolts, detach retaining springs and 49 Remove four bolts and detach gearbox bearer .
withdraw gear lever .
50 Remove mounting rubber bolts from L .H. and R .H .
45 On automatic vehicles disconnect gear selector side at rear of gearbox.
lever linkage from offside of gearbox.
46 Position engine lifting gear and secure chain
hooks, or equipment to cylinder head eyelets.
47 Remove two bolts and withdraw clutch slave
51 On automatic vehicles remove snubber rubber
bracket .
52 Remove four bolts from both sides and detach
gearbox bearer brackets from chassis .
53 Remove gearbox mounting rubber bolts and
detach both mountings, complete with bearer brackets
and sensor bracket from the vehicle .
48 On automatic vehicles disconnect oil cooler pipes
and inhibitor switch from gearbox .
Refit engine and gearbox
1 Refit engine mountings, anti-torque rubber
Gasket and earth lead.
2 Refit sensor bracket, gearbox bearer bracket and
gearbox mounting rubbers . On automatic vehicles refit
snubber rubber.
3 On automatic vehicles reconnect oil cooler pipes
and inhibitor switch at gearbox .
4 Refit clutch slave cylinder.
5 On automatic vehicles reconnect gear selector
lever linkage.
6 Locate manual gear lever and refit retaining
7 Replace tunnel insulation, secure partition and fit
54 Remove four bolts and detach L .H. engine anti- gear lever gaiter retaining plate .
torque rubber bracket and engine earth lead . Repeat 8 Reconnect reverse light switch, if fitted, refit
operation for R.H . side. speedo cable, retaining clamp, taxi meter lock bracket
E and access plate.
9 Refit sensor switch and reconnect driveshaft,
complete with sensor plate.
10 Refit exhaust mountings and exhaust down pipe
to manifold.
11 Reconnect starter motor leads and alternator
harness plug .
12 Reconnect heater pipes anc remperature gauge
sensor unit leads.
13 Reconnect injector pump fuel cut-off lead and
main glow plug lead .
14 Reconnect fuel pump feed pipe, oil filter, and oil
pressure pipe.
15 Reconnect brake servo pipe.
16 Reconnect accelerator cable at injector pump .
55 Remove retaining bolts and detach L.H . engine 17 Refit power steering pump.
mounting from engine and chassis . Repeat operation 18 Refit radiator mounting frame, complete with
for R.H . side . expansion tank.
19 On automatic vehicles reconnect oil cooler pipes
at radiator end.
20 Reconnect wiring harness and relevant leads .
21 Refit fuel filter to radiator mounting frame and
reconnect fuel return pipe .
22 Refit air cleaner hose and radiator top hose.
23 Reconnect radiator bottom hose .
24 Refit bonnet, bonnet stay and windscreen washer
25 Refill cooling system .
56 Remove engine and gearbox from vehicle .
Radiator mounting frame removal, 17J
FX4S Plus models
I Pull air cleaner hose from support bracket on
radiator mounting frame .
2 Disconnect fuel filter return pipe.
3 Remove two bolts and detach fuel filter from
radiator mounting frame .
4 Disconnet headlamp, side light and horn wiring
harness leads from nearside of vehicle .
5 Remove single bolt, accessible from inside
nearside wheelarch, and detach earth lead .
6 Pull wiring harness from radiator mounting
7 Disconnect offside horn leads.
B Remove earth lead from offside wheelarch.
9 Disconnect oil cooler pipes at the base of the
combined radiator/oil cooler, accessible from
beneath the vehicle.
10 Remove four retaining screws, detach radiator fan
cowl and position loosely over fan blades.
11 Remove six remaining bolts securing radiator
mounting frame to wheel arches and chassis.
12 Lift out radiator/oil cooler and mounting frame
complete with expansion tank.
13 Refit in reverse order.
At the time of going to print, the illustrations and text appearing in this workshop manual are representative of
manufacture . Whilst retaining the basic features shown herein, the manufacturer reserves the right to make,
at any time, and without necessarily updating this manual, any alterations considered convenient for
improvement or for any other reason .
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the particulars contained herein, London Taxi
International will not under any circumstances be held liable for any inaccuracies or the consequences
thereof .
London Taxis International Ltd . 1987.
Key to Diesel Engine - External Parts
1 Oil feed pipe 27 Fan belt
2 Thermostat cover 28 Water pump gasket
3 Engine oil filler/breather cap 29 Camshaft front cover oil seal
4 Rocker Cover 30 Joint washer 0
5 Coolant temperature thermocouple 31 Coolant gallery joint washer
6 Rear engine lifting bracket 32 Flywheel housing
7 Inlet manifold 32a Automatic gearbox adaptor plat e
8 Rocker cover gasket 33 Flywheel
9 Thermostat and thermostat housing 34 Flywheel reinforcing plate
10 Injector pipes 35 Crankshaft oil seal
11 D .P .S . pump 36 'O' rin g
12 D .P .S . support bracket 37 Engine block drain plug
13 Vacuum pump 38 Front cover gasket
14 Fuel lift pump and rear side plate 39 Idler pulley - timing belt
15 Front engine lifting bracket 40 Crankshaft pulley bolt
16 Cylinder head gasket 41 Crankshaft pulley
17 Cylinder head 42 Front cover plate
18 Heater plugs 43 Front cover oil seal - crankshaft
19 Manifold retaining clamps 44 Front cove r
20 Exhaust manifold 45 Oil filter assembly
21 Manifold gasket 46 Sump gasket
22 Rear side plate gasket 47 Engine block
23 Front side plate gasket 48 Dip stick
24 Front side plate 49 Dip stick tube
25 Water pump assembly 50 Sump
26 Fan pulley 51 Sump drain plug
A. GEARBOX REMOVE AND REFIT 5 Remove the automatic gearbox dipstick/filter /
tube .
6 Remove the gearbox retaining bolts :
Gearbox removal a) Holding the bell housing to the fly wheel
housing (Manual models only) .
I In the interests of safety and efficient working, b) Holding the torque convertor housing to the
secure the engine/gearbox onto a suitable stand .
adaptor plate. (Automatic models only) and
2 Undo the three nuts and bolts, also the nut remove the gearbox.
securing the starter motor retaining bracket to the
block, remove the starter motor. (Automatic models Note: When removing the automatic gearbox, take
only) care to ensure that the torque convertor comes
. away with the gearbox and is not left on the
crankshaft spigot.
3 Disconnect the kick-down cable from the fuel
injection pump (D .P .S .) . (Automatic models only) .
4 Remove the four bolts and tab washers securing Refitting the gearbox
the torque convertor to the drive plate, through the
starter motor aperture . (Automatic models only) . 7 Refit the automatic or manual gearbox .
8 Refit the automatic gearbox dipstick/filler tube .
9 Through the starter motor aperture, locate and
secure the torque convertor to the drive plate .
(Automatic model) .
10 Reconnect the kick-down cable to the fuel
injection pump, (D.P .S .) . (Automatic models only) .
11 Refit the starter motor to the adaptor plate .
(Automatic models only) .
Special tools require d
18G1344 Seal guide - rear main bearing .
R0605022 Clutch centralising tool.
Remove the clutch - manual models only
1 Evenly slacken and remove the six clutch retaining
bolts and withdraw the clutch assembly and centre
Remove the
a) flywheel housing - manual models only
b) adaptor plate - automatic models onl y
5 Undo the eight bolts and washers holding the fly-
wheel housing/adaptor plate to the cylinder block and
remove complete with the main bearing oil seal .
Remove the starter motor - manual models onl y
2 Undo the single nut and washer retaining the
starter motor support bracket to the cylinder block .
3 Undo the bolt, nut and nut and bolt which retai n
. the starter motor to tht' flywheel housing and carefully
ease the motor away from the housing .
Remove the flywhee l
4 Remove the flywheel retaining bolts and withdraw
the flywheel and reinforcing plate .
11 Undo and remove the distributor pump (D .P.S .) Removing the distributor pump (D
timing pulley nut. .P.S. )
12 Slacken the two belt tensioner assembly nuts and 18 Remove the high and low pressure pipes from the
the idler pulley "allen" screw. D.P.S. pump and the injectors .
13 Remove the idler pulley and the timing belt . 19 Undo and remove the three bolts retaining the
14 Remove the two belt tensioner assembly nuts and vacuum pump and withdraw the pump and joint
the assembler. washer.
15 Using the centre part of special tool 18G1457/1 as 20 Undo and remove the nut and bolt securing the
illustrated, and withdraw the distributor pump (D .P.S.) rear of the pump to the support bracket .
pulley. 21 Undo and remove the three nuts retaining the
pump to the front cover and withdraw the pump and
joint washer.
M059 1 5
16 Using the special puller tool 18G1464/2/6, as
illustrated, withdraw the camshaft pulley.
Removing the front cove r
22 * Undo and remove the three common sumps and
cover bolts and slacken at least thr4e bolts on both
sides of the sump to relieve pressure on the cover and
facilitate removal without damaging the sump joint .
23 Undo and remove the two remaining bolts and
one "allen" screw retaining the front cover .
24 Remove the front cover taking care not to damage
the sump gasket also remove the front cover gasket .
25 Remove the triangular joint washer and the water
gallery joint washer from the cylinder block .
17 Using the special tool 18G1464/2 complete and
button 18G1464/5 withdraw the crankshaft pulley.
Section 2
Key to Diesel Engine - Intemal Parts . 2
Key to Diesel Engine - External Parts 3
A . Gearbox Remove and Refit . 4
1 I
B . Remove and Overhaul the Flywheel and Clutch 5
C . Remove and Overhaul Timing Belt and Pulleys 8
D . Remove and Overhaul Cylinder Head 15
E. Remove and Overhaul Oil Pump 29
F. Strip and Overhaul of Engine Block 31
Engine Data - Diesel (2.51itre) . 4 5
At the time of going to print, the illustrations and text appearing in this workshop manual are representative of
manufacture . Whilst retaining the basic features shown herein, the manufacturer reserves the right to make,
at any time, and without necessarily updating this manual, any alterations considered convenient for
improvement or for any other reason .
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the particulars contained herein, London Taxi
International will not under any circumstances be held liable for any inaccuracies or the consequences
thereof .
London Taxis International Ltd . 1987.
" 34
-\\ 30
Key to Diesel Engine - Internal Parts
E 1 Rocker shaft brackets 23 Camshaft
2 Rockers 24 Skew gear
3 Springs 25 Camshaft bearing
4 Rocker shaft locating screw 26 Thrust plate
5 Rocker shaft 27 Camshaft pulley
6 Cotters 28 D.P.S . pump pulley
7 Valve spring assembly 29 Timing belt
8 Inlet valve stem 30 Timing belt tension pulley
9 Exhaust valve stem 31 Oil jet tubes
10 Fuel injector assembl y 32 Main bearing shells
11 Tappet adjustment screw 33 Thrust washers
12 Tappet guide securing screw 34 Connecting rod bearings
13 Push rod 35 Crankshaft end bush
14 Tappet slides 36 Crankshaft
15 Cam follower 37 N° 5 main bearing cap
16 Tappet guide 38 Cork seal
17 Hot plug 39 Connecting rod cap
18 Piston 40 Oil pump drive shaft
19 Piston ring s 41 Main bearing cap
20 Circlips 42 Crankshaft pulley
is 21 Gudgeon pin 43 Oil pump assembly
22 Connecting rod 44 Oil pump strainer and retaining bracket
Adaptor plate - automatic models only 11 Apply a bead of loctite 514 sealant to the rear
face of the flywheel housing to the dimensions and
6 The adaptor plate comes in two pieces, secured configuration as illustrated. The illustration has been
together by six "allen" screws; if there is any apparent produced full size so that a template may be made to
damage to either part, undo the screws and replace the facilitate the application of the sealant . The bead
damaged part. should be 5.5mm (0.216in) wideand 0.25mm (0 .010in)
thick .
Renewing the rear main oil sea l
7 Check that the crankshaft oil seal journal is
undamaged and clean .
8 Check the seal housing in the flywheel housing/
adaptor plate is clean, dry and free from burrs . Refit the flywheel housing/ adaptor plate
Note: When fitting the new seal do not touch the 12 Examine the seal guide number 18G1344 and
seal lip and ensure that the outside diameter of repair any damage which could destroy the seal lip .
the seal is clean and dry .
13 Lubricate the outside diameter of the seal guide
9 If a new crankshaft has been fitted, slowly press in and the seal journal with concentrated "Oildag" in a
the seal, lip side leading, squarely into the bottom of 25% solution with clean engine oil .
the housing . 14 Place the seal guide on the crankshaft flange and,
10 If the original crankshaft is being used, press in to using the two dowels protruding from the cylinder
.081 in) below the block rear face as a guide to ensure initial squareness .
a depth of 2,2 to 2,5mm (0.080 to 0
. This is so that the new Fit the flywheel housing/adaptor plate and remove the
outer face of the seal housing
seal guide . Secure the flywheel housing/adaptor piate,
seal will not run in the same "track" as the original seal .
tightening evenly the eight retaining bolts to the
specified torque . (40-50 Nm 30-36 .8 11b ft) .
17J Overhaul and refit the flywheel 27 Press the ring gear firmly against the flange unti
(manual models only . the ring contracts sufficiently to grip the flywheel .
Allow the ring gear to cool naturally . Do not haster
the cooling process in any way.
15 Inspect the flywheel clutch face and ring gear .
16 Wear or scores on the flywheel clutch face can be
corrected by machining provided that the overall width
of the flywheel is not reduced below 36,96mm
(1 .453ins).
17 Check that the flywheel has not been previously
machined .
18 If the ring gear teeth are chipped or worn the gear
can be renewed.
Replace the flywheel
19 Remove the clutch location dowels.
20 Machine the flywheel over the complete clutch
face.removing only the minimum material necessary to
achieve a smooth flat surface parallel with the
crankshaft mating face and within the previously stated
Fitting the flywheel
width dimensions and fit new dowels .
28 Examine the flywheel and crankshaft mating
Renew the ring gea r
faces and remove any burrs or imperfections that could
s prevent the flywheel locating correctly. Check that the
21 Remove the eight nuts, bolts and tabwasher
dowel is in position.
which hold the drive plate to the ring gear
Automatic models only. 29 Refit the flywheel to the drive plate using the nuts,
bolts and tab washers to prevent undoing -
22 Drill a 8.0mm (5/,s in) hole between the root of any
Automatic models only .
two teeth and the inner diameter of the ring gear deep
enough to weaken the ring . Do not allow the drill to
Note: The tabwashers are fitted so that the bolt
enter the flywheel .
heads are fixed together in pairs, and the nuts
23 Secure the flywheel in a soft jawed vice and cover are fixed together in alternate pairs to the bolt
it with a cloth to protect one from personal injury . heads.
Place a cold chisel above the drilled hole and strike it
sharply to split the ring gear. 30 Offer up the flywheel to the crankshaft and
secure with the reinforcing plate and retaining bolts .
Evenly tighten the eight bolts to the specified torque
(130-143Nm 96-105 1Ib ft) .
24 Clean the flywheel removing any burrs which will
prevent any part of the new ring gear seating properly .
25 Heat the new ring gear uniformly to between
225°C and 250°C but do not exceed the higher figure .
26 Place the flywheel, clutch face down, on a flat
surface and locate the heated ring gear with the square 31 To check the flywheel run-out, mount a dial tesi
edge of the teeth downward towards the flywheel indicator so that the stylus rests, in a loaded condition,
clutch face and chamfered edge of the teeth on the clutch pressure face at a radius of 114mn-
uppermost . (4.5ins) .
32 Turn the flywheel, and check that the run-out C. REMOVE AND OVERHAUL a
does not exceed 0,05 to 0,07mm (0.002 to 0.003in) . TIMING BELT AND PULLEYS
Should the run-out be excessive, remove the flywheel,
and check again for any irregularities on the flywheel Special tools required
and crankshaft mating faces and dowel . 530102A Crankshaft nut spanner
18G1457/1 Distributor pump (D .P.S .) remover
33 Repeat operations 30 and 31 to ensure correct run 18G1464/2/6 Crankshaft pulley remover
out- 18G1456 Crankshaft oil seal replacer
18G1482 Camshaft oil seal replacer
18G1458 Distributor pump (D .P.S .) timing tool
18G1464/5 Button
Remove water pump
1 Undo the three retaining bolts and remove the fan
Fitting the clutch - manual models only
34 Clean the flywheel face and place the centre plate
with the side marked "Flywheel side" towards the
35 Fit the clutch assembly, locating it with the three
dowels on the flywheel.
36 Loosely fasten the cover with the six bolts to the 2 Loosen the alternator pivot bolt and the two
flywheel. alternator bracket fixing bolts
; move the alternator .
37 Centralise the centre plate using the special tool inwards to slacken the belt.
R0605022 or a slave primary shaft and tighten the six
3 Remove the drive belt, then remove the alternator
bolts evenly to the specified torque. (30-38Nm 22-28 .
and its associated bracket
Ib ft) .
38 Smear the splines of the centre plate with
Molybdenum disulphide grease, such as Rocol
MTS 1000.
4 Restraining the spacer undo the four "allen" 7 Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt and check that
screws and then remove the spacer and the water pump the E/P mark is still aligned with the pointer on the
pulley. front cover plate and withdraw pulley, using special
tool 530102A .
8 Remove the three bolts securing the power
steering pump mounting bracket to the front cover and
to the thermostat housing . Remove the mounting
bracket and the water pump bypass casting .
5 Slacken the by-pass hose top "jubilee" clip, then
unscrew the seven retaining bolts, remove the water
pump, housing and joint washer .
9 Undo the seven remaining bolts and remove the
front cover .
Remove the front cover
6 Rotate the crankshaft to bring the E/P mark on
the pulley in line with the pointer on the front cover Removing the timing belt and pulley s
plate. Remove the oil filler cap and check that number
one exhaust valve is fully open . Do not rotate the 10 Undo and remove the camshaft retaining bolt,
crankshaft again. special washer and '0' rings.
\ J
1] Renewing front cover air seal
26 The oil seals in the front cover can be renewed
with the cover flat on a work bench or with the cover in
position on the cylinder block as shown in the following
Crankshaft seal
27 Carefully prise out the old seal and with the lip side
leading drive in the new seal using special tool 18G145
until the seal is approximately 0,5mm (0.019in) below
the inner face of the cover.
31 Fit the three common sump and front cover bolts
and tighten these together with the cover bolts and the
sump side bolts.
Overhaul and fitting of vacuum pum p
32 Remove the four bolts securing the end plate and
withdraw the end plate and "O" ring seal .
33 Tap the shaft-end of the rotor to remove it from
the pump body.
34 Inspect the components for wear and damage and
M064 renew as necessary.
35 To check the rotor to body clearance, fit the rotor
Camshaft seal to the body and with feeler gauges, measure the
clearance at the narrow point between the rotor and
28 Carefully prise out the old seal and drive in the new body . The correct clearance is 0,05mm (0 .002in) .
seal with the lip side leading until the seal is flush or 36 Check the clearance between the rotor and end
approximately 1,0mm (0 .039in) below the inner surface
plate by placing a straight edge across the body and
using the special tool 18G1482.
with feeler gauges measure the clearance between the
straight edge and the rotor. The correct clearance
should be 0,10 to 0,12mm (0.004 to 0.005in) .
37 Fit the rotor blades to the rotor with the radius
outwards and insert the rotor into the body .
38 Place a new '0' ring seal in position in the body
groove and fit the end plate and secure with the four
bolts tightening evenly.
39 Locate the distributor pump ( D . P.S . ) support
bracket in position, then fit a new joint washer and
finally insert the vacuum pump ensuring that the drive
slot fits correctly over the coupling drive pin, secwe
with the three "allen" screws .
Assembling the pulleys, timing belt and
front cove r
29 Fit new triangular cover joint washer and water
gallery joint washer.
30 Fit and loosely secure the front cover to the block
with the two bolts and one "allen" screw, referring to
the chart for the location of the various bolt lengths .
Fitting the distributor pump (D.P.S, ) Timing the Distributor pump and valves 40
(Manual only)
40 Fit the pump joint washer and then loosely secure
the pump to the cover with the three nuts . 46 The distributor pump and valves are timed using
41 Secure loosely the rear of the pump to the support the exhaust valve peak of number one cylinder . The
bracket using the single nut and bolt . exhaust peak position is determined by the
relationships of a slot in the flywheel periphery and a
plugged hole in the flywheel housing through which a
probe is inserted to locate in the flywheel slot . A
suitable probe tool can be manufactured using the
existing plug and a 60mm (2.5in) length of 6,35mm
(0.25in) diameter silver stem . Remove the plug from
the flywheel housing and accurately determine the
centre of the plug head and using a vertical drilling
machine, drill a 6,35mm (0 .25in) clearance hole
through the length of the plug . The tool will be referred
to in future as the E. P. Location Tool .
47 Fit the piug to the flywheel housing .
48 Turn the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until
the E. P. slot in the flywheel is in line with the hole in E
the plug . Insert the silver steel rod through the hole
until it locates in the flywheel slot . If the crankshaft is
inadvertently turned beyond the E. P . slot do not turn
it back but continue on round in a clockwise direction
until the rod can be fully located in the flywheel .
Fitting the crankshaft timing pulle y
42 Taking care to ensure that the two keys are
correctly located into the crankshaft, fit the pulley with
the timing dot facing outwards, driving it into position
using a suitable tube .
Fitting the camshaft pulley
43 Fit the pulley with the boss, facing towards the
engine, and loosely fit the '0' ring, special washer '0'
ring plain washer and bolt . Do not drive the pulley
onto the camshaft, draw the pulley on using the slave
10mm diameter metric bolt and washer, after drawing
the pulley on secure with the retaining bolt to finger
tightness only.
Warning: Hitting or tapping the camshaft pulley onto
the shaft will damage the tappet assemblies .
49 Fit the timing belt tensioner assembly and loosely
secure with the two nuts.
50 Turn the distributor pump pulley clockwise until
the dot lines up exactly with the arrows in the front
51 Similarly, turn the camshaft pulley clockwise so
that the dot coincides exactly with the cast-on arrow .
M069 52 Fit the timing belt over the crankshaft pulley and
keeping the timing belt under tension, by hand, run the
Fitting the distributor pump and idler pulleys
belt under the idler pulley and over the camshaft pulley .
If the belt does not quite mate with the grooves, turn
44 Fit the distributor pump pulley onto the pump
the pulley clockwise the necessary amount .
taper and loosely secure, ensuring the dot on the pulley
lines up with the arrow on the cover, with the nut . 53 Feed the pulley around the distributor pump pulley
ensuring the belt grooves mate up with the pulley.
45 Fit the idler pulley securing it with the "allen"
Keeping a firm grip on the belt pass it over the
9 54 Withdraw the silver steel rod from the slot in the
55 Using a direct scale read off torque wrench (Not a
break-action torque wrench) adjust the belt tension by
placing the drive peg into the square hole in the
tensioner base plate. The tension should be from
10,5 Nm to 13 Nm (8 to 101b ft) . Once the belt tension
has been achieved tighten the tension retaining nuts to
22 to 28 Nm (17 to 201b ft) .
Valve timing - automatic only
65 Set the position of the crankshaft and camshaft so
that the marks on both the pulleys align with the
arrows on the front cover.
66 On the distributor pump pulley align the scribed
line, adjacent to the "F" mark, with the arrow on the
front cover.
67 Fit the timing belt, using only hand pressure to
ease it onto the pulleys . First, fit it around the
crankshaft pulley then run the belt under the idler
pulley and over the camshaft pulley, always keeping it
under tension . Finally feed the belt around the
56 Rotate the engine two complete revolutions . distributor pump pulley .
57 Slacken the tensioner nuts . 68 Refit the timing belt tensioner securing it loosely
58 Tension the belt again as described in instruction with the two retaining nuts and washers .
43, and tighten the tensioner nuts to the specified
torque 22 to 28 Nm (17 to 201b ft) .
~ Caution : The double tensioning procedure is
imperative, otherwise the belt could fail
resulting in serious engine damage .
59 Rotate the crankshaft until the steel rod can , once
again be inserted into the flywheel slot .
60 Check that the dots on the pump and camshaft
pulley coincide exactly with their respective arrows . If
there is any misalignment the procedure must be
repeated .
61 Remove the plug from the side of the distributor
pump, and insert gauge tool 18G1458 and if necessary
rotate the pump body until the gauge can be fully
inserted and screwed home indicating that the inner
disc is centrally positioned with the hole .
62 Evenly tighten the three nuts securing the pump
to the front cover and the single nut and bolt to the
support bracket and reconnect the fuel injection pipes .
69 Using a direct scale read-off torque wrench (Not a
63 Remove the E . P . location tool and fit a new Plu g
break-action torque wrench) adjust the belt tension by
~ - Pa rt No . ERC7295 and the special tool and refit the
placing the square peg into the square hole in the
plug . tensioner base
. The belt tension should be from 10,5 to
64 Tighten the distributor pump timing pulley nut and 13 Nm (8 to 101b ft) . Once the belt tension has been
the camshaft pulley retaining bolt to the specified achieved tighten the tensioner retaining units to 22 to
torque 42-48 Nm (31 to 35 .4 lb ft) . 28 Nm (17 to 201b ft) .
70 Rotate the crankshaft clockwise one complete Fit the front cover plate, water pump and pulleys E
revolution and reset the belt tension . This is most
important. 76 Locate the front cover and retain with the seven
71 Rotate the crankshaft clockwise one more bolts.
complete revolution to check that the timing marks are 77 Fit the alternator pivot bracket onto the front
correctly aligned. cover and secure,finger tight only .
72 If there is any misalignment the procedure must 78 Refit the water pump bypass casting with a new
be repeated . Only when the timing is correct should the joint washer to the thermostat housing, also the power
camshaft pulley bolt and distributor pulley retaining nut steering pump mounting bracket and secure with three
be loctited and fully tightened to the specified torque . bolts.
79 Fit the crankshaft pulley, and secure with the pulley
bolt ensuring that the threads have been coated with
"loctite" . Tighten to the specified torque. 260 to
280 Nm ( 192 to 206 Ib ftl .
80 Locate a new joint washer in position and fit the
water pump and housing . Fit the bolts in accordance
with the diagram and evenly tighten to the specified
81 Refit the bypass hose and secu re with the "jubilee"
82 Fit the water pump pulley and spacer, secu ring
them with the four "allen" screws .
83 Refit the alternator to the pivot bracket and adjust
bracket, ensuring finger tightness at this stage .
84 Replace the drive belt over the water pump pulley
alternator and crankshaft pulleys .
85 Adjust the tension of the belt by moving the
alternator in or out until correct. Tighten the three bolts
to secure the tension.
86 Fit the fan blade and secure with the three bolts .
Distributor pump timing automatic onl y
73 Remove the plug from the side of the pump and fit
the special tool 18G1458. If necessary turn the pump
body in either direction until the plunger in the tool
locates fully in the timing recess, as illustrated, when
the first mark on the plunger is flush with the body .
74 Tighten the distributor pump retaining nuts and
rear support bracket nut and bolt and reconnect fuel
injection pipes .
75 Remove the special tool and refit the plug .
5 Remove the injectors complete with spill rail . . .-
Special tools required
274400 - Drift inlet valve guides
274401 - Drift exhaust valve guides
276102 - Valve spring compressor
600959 - Drift exhaust valve guide
601508 - Drift inlet valve guide
MS621 - Seal cutter
530625 - Insert replacer
Remove the exhaust and inlet manifolds
I Undo the square headed nut from the top of the
air cleaner and remove the cleaner and seals.
2 Undo the manifold nuts,which hold the clamps
retaining the inlet manifold, and remove. 6 Undo the two banjo bolts and remove the cylinder
3 Undo the remaining nuts and remove the exhaust head oil feed pipe at the rear of the engine .
manifold. 7 Disconnect the heater plug electrical connections .
Removing the thermostat and housin g
Removing the injectors, spill rail and oil feed pip e
8 Slacken the "jubilee" clip holding the water bypass
4 Disconnect and remove the fuel injection pipes hose then undo the three bolts retaining the power
from the injectors and distributor pump (D .P.S .), then steering mounting bracket and remove, including the
cover the injector parts to prevent ingress of foreign elbow.
9 Undo the three bolts holding the thermostat cover 12 Remove the rocker shaft retaining bolts, lift off the 17J
and housing, remove the housing, cover and rocker shaft assembly, invert it and secure it to the
thermostat. rocker core studs to prevent the assembly from falling
13 Withdraw the push rods and retain them in
numerical order.
14 Evenly slacken the remaining cylinder head
retaining bolt and lift off the cylinder head .
15 Remove the engine lifting brackets from the front
and rear of the cylinder head .
Moa3\ ~3
Removing the valve springs
16 Using valve spring compressor 276102 or a suitable
alternator remove the valve and spring assemblies
M08 1 keeping them identified with their original locations for
possible refitting .
Removing the cylinder head
10 Remove the three domed nuts from the rocker
cover and remove the cover .
11 Slacken the tappet screw lock nuts then turn the
adjusting screws to release them from the push rods.
17 Discard the valve spring and valve guide oil seals .
Remove carbon deposits from the valves and
combustion chambers and degrease all parts ready for
Examining the cylinder head
18 When carrying out normal top overhaul work on
the cylinder head it is not necessary to remove either
the injector shrouds or the hot plugs. Small surface
cracks in the hot plug, extending from the opening to
approximately 8,0mm (0 .312in) in length can be
ignored . However, if any severe cracks appear on the
face of the hot plugs,before attempting to remove it,
closely inspect the cylinder head for signs of cracks,
particularly between the inlet and exhaust valve seats.
Such cracking indicates that the engine has
overheated, usually through lack of coolant, and the
cylinder head should be scrapped .
19 Examine the cylinder head for cracks and
distortion .
20 Burnt, pitted and pocketed seats must be
repaired .
21 In addition, worn or damaged valve seats should
be renewed .
Renewing the shrouds, hot plugs and push
rod tubes
22 To remove a hot plug, support the cylinder head, Note: Whilst this is rarely necessary the procedure is
face down on two pieces of timber . Insert a thin soft nevertheless as follows:
metal drift through the injector shroud throat and tap
the hot plug from the inside . Once removed, a faulty 24 Using an 8mm taper tap, cut a thread
hot plug cannot be restored and must be scrapped . 30mm (1 .18in) deep in the combustion face end of the
tube to be removed .
25 Screw an appropriate bolt into the tube and press
out the tube as illustrated .
23 If the injector shroud is damaged,using a 13mm
(0 .51 in) ball bearing drift the shroud out towards the 26 Smear both ends of a new tube with silicone
injector bore. rubber sealant and press it into the cylinder head .
27 To fit the shrouds, thoroughly clean out the com- FJ
bustion chamber . The hole in the side of the injector
shroud is for manufacturing purposes only but at the
same time can be used as a guide when refitting the
shroud .
28 Turn the cylinder head face down . Smear a little
oil on the shroud and insert into the cylinder head with
the hole pointing towards the centre of the cylinder
head, and drift into position .
34 Turn the cylinder head over so that the
combustion chambers face downwards . Since the inlet
and exhaust valve guides are dimensionally different it
is important that the correct guides are fitted to the l J
appropriate ports.
35 Lubricate the new guides with engine oil and using
the special drifts 600959 for the exhaust and 601508 for
the inlet valve guides or suitable alternatives, drive in
29 To fit the hot plugs use a hide-faced mallet and the new guides until the shoulder is flush with the
tap in, locating it with a new roll pin . If the hot plugs casting.
are loose in the cylinder head they may be retained with
a little grease.
30 When fitted, the hot plugs must be checked with
a dial test indicator to ensure that they do not protrude
above the level of the cylinder head face more than
0,025mm (0.001 in) and are not recessed below the
level of the cylinder head for more than 0,005mm
(0.002in) .
Replace cylinder head valve seats
Renew the valve guides 36 Damaged or worn valve seats can be replaced
provided they are not abnormally wide due to repeated
31 Check the valve guides for wear by inserting a refacing operation .
new valve in the appropriate guide 8mm (0 .31 in) above
the seat. If movement across the head exceeds
0,15mm (0 .006in) renew the guide .
Note : After several truing-up or lapping-in operations
32 Support the cylinder head, combustion chamber valve seats may have an excessive width which
uppermost pieces of timber of sufficient thickness to can be reduced by obtaining special correction
allow clearance for the valve guides to be driven out . cutters which narrow the seat by removing metal
33 Using the special drifts 274400 for inlet guides and from the top and bottom of the seat . A 60°
27440 for exhaust guides, or suitable alternatives, drive cutter is recommended for bottom narrowing
out the old guides from the combustion face side . and 30° cutter for top narrowing .
on A
42 Use cutter MS621 and ensure that the cutter
blades are correctly fitted to the cutter head with the
angled end of the blade downwards facing the work, as
illustrated . Check that the cutter blades are adjusted so
that the middle of the blade contacts the area of
material to be cut. Use the key provided in the hand set
37 The special set of hand too! F~ recommended for
refacing including expandable pilots that fit tightly into
new or worn guides to ensure that the valve seat is
concentric with valve guides . The refacing tool has
tungsten carbide cutters and can be used to cut a seat
in a new exhaust seat insert.
38 Select the correct expandable collet for the valve
guide concerned i.e. 8mm (0.31 in) for inlet guides and
8,5mm (0.33in) for exhaust guides.
39 Loosely assemble the collet, expander and nuts .
Ensure that the chamfered end of the expander is
towards the collet.
43 Fit the wrench to the cutter head and turn clock-
wise using only very light pressure. Continue cutting to
approximately the centre of the existing seat .
40 Insert the assembled pilot into the valve guide,
from the combustion face side of the cylinder head,
until the shoulder contacts the valve guide, and the
whole of the collet is inside the valve guide .
41 Expand the collet in the guide by turning the
tommy bar clockwise whilst holding the knurled nut .
44 To check the effectiveness of the cutting
operation use engineers' "blue" or a feeler gauge made
from cellophane.
46 Smear a small quantity of engineers' "blue" round
the valve seat and revolve a properly ground valve
against the seat. A continuous fine line should appear
round the valve. If there is a gap of not more than
12mm (0.472in) it can be corrected by tapping.
46 Alternatively, insert a strip of cellophane between
the valve and seat, hold the valve down by the stem
and slowly pull out the cellophane. If there is a drag,
the seal is satisfactory in that spot . Repeat this in at
least eight places. Lapping-in will correct a small open
Renew inlet and exhaust seat inserts
47 Hold the cylinder head firmly in a vice, wear Lap-in valves
protective goggles and grind the old insert away until
thin enough to be cracked and prised out . Take care
52 Inspect the valves and discard any that are burnt,
not to damage the insert pocket . bent or distorted
. Check the stems for wear by
48 Remove any burrs and swarf from the pocket . inserting a new guide. If wear is excessive, discard the
Failure to do so could cause the new insert to crack valve. Valve faces that are pitted or ridged but
when being fitted . otherwise serviceable may be refaced.
49 Assemble the new exhaust insert to the replacer, 53 To ensure a gas tight seal between the valve face
special tool number 530625, so that the chamfered and valve seat it is necessary to lap-in the appropriate
edge of the insert is leading. Using a suitable bolt and valve to its seat. It is essential to keep the valve
nut draw the insert into the cylinder head pocket . identified with its seat once the lapping-in operation
50 Since no tool is available for the inlet seat, use a has been completed .
suitable adaptor to press-in the new seat . Cut a new 54 Unless the faces to be lapped are in a poor
45° seat using cutter MS621 . condition it should only be necessary to use fine valve
lapping paste . Smear a small quantity of paste on the
valve face and lubricate the valve stem with engine oil.
55 Insert the valve in the appropriate guide and using
a suction type valve lapping tool employ a light
reciprocating action while occasionally lifting the valve
off its seat and turning it so that the valve returns to a
different position on the seat .
56 Continue the operation until a continuous matt
grey band round the valve face is obtained . To check
that the lapping operation is successful, wipe off the
valve paste from the valve and seat and make a series
of pencil lines across the valve face . Place the valve
into the guide and while pressing the valve onto the
seat revolve the valve a quarter turn a few times . If all
the pencil lines are cut through no further lapping is
required .
57 Wash all traces of grinding paste from the valves
and cylinder head seats .
Reface the valve seats
51 Valves that are satisfactory for further service can
be refaced. This operation should be carried out using
a valve grinding machine . Only the minimum of
material should be removed from the valve face to
avoid thinning of the valve edge. The valve is refaced
correctly when all pits are removed and the face
concentric with the stem .
Inlet valve seat face 450 +'/. °
Exhaust valve seat face 45° +'/. °
Inlet valve seat face 450 -'/. °
Exhaust valve seat face 450 -'/. °
Assembling the valves to the cylinder head 66 Renew bushes if the clearance between shaft afld
bush is in excess of 0,101 to 0,127mm (0 .004 to
58 Insert the inlet valves into the guides and fit new 0.005in).
oil seals with the plain exterior . Ensure that the seal 66 Press in replacements ensuring that the pre-drilled
locates in the groove in the valve guide . oil holes in the rockers. The following cross-section of
59 Insert the exhaust valves and fit the oil seals with a rocker shows the oil drillings .
the stepped exterior . They are larger than the inlet 67 Using a"/a2" reamer, 13,5mm + 0,2mm (0 .530in
valve seals. + 0.001 in) finish the bushes and clear swarf from the
60 Fit the double valve spring and cup to each valve oil holes.
in turn and using valve spring compressor, 276102 or a
suitable alternative secure the assembly with the multi-
groove butting cutters.
Note:- On later engines valve caps are fi tted.
68 Examine the ball-end of the adjusting screws and
discard any that are worn. Regrinding is not
permissible . Check the threads for damage and that
the oil relief drilling is clear.
Overhaul the rocker shaft assembl y
69 Check that the oilways in the rocker shaft are clear
61 Remove the locating screw and washer from the and fit number two rocker shaft bracket to the shaft
number two rocker bracket and withdraw all the and retain with the locating screw and washer .
components from the rocker shaft. 70 Using new spacers and springs, assemble the
62 Remove the locknuts and adjustment screws from rockers and brackets to the shaft as illustrated,
the rockers. ensuring that the rockers move freely on the shaft .
Note: Double spacers are fitted each side of the centre
71 Fit the tappet adjustment screws and lock nuts to
the rockers.
63 Examine the rocker shaft for wear and discard if
the bearing surface is worn more than 0,025mm
(0.001 in )
64 Inspect the rockers and discard if the pads are
,worn . It is not permissible to grind pads in an attempt
to reclaim the rockers .
0 0 O O
0 V o 0
0 0 0
H 0 O 0 0
Tl Invert the rocker assembly and locate it on the Adjust tappet clearances 1
rocker cover to prevent it falling apart .
83 If the crankshaft is rotated with excessive valve
clearances it is possible that the push rods may become
dislodged from the tappet seating and fracture the
tappet slide. To prevent damage, eliminate all
clearance from any loose rockers before turning the
crankshaft to adjust the clearances .
84 Turn the engine over until number eight valve
(counting from the front of the engine) is fully open.
86 Using a 0,25mm (0.010in) feeler gauge check the
clearance between the valve tip and rocker pad of
number one valve.
86 Adjust the clearance by slackening the lock nut
and turning the tappet adjusting screw clockwise to
reduce clearance and anti-clockwise to increase
clearance. Recheck the clearance after tightening the
lock nut.
Fit the cylinder head and rocker shaft assembly
73 Clean the cylinder head and cylinder block mating
faces. Position a new cylinder head gasket on the
cylinder block with the word "Diesel" uppermost .
74 Fit the two engine lifting brackets to the cylinder
75 Lower the cylinder head onto the cylinder block
using the two long bolts to facilitate accurate
positioning of the head.
76 Fit the cylinder head retaining bolts except those
also used to secure the rocker shaft and leave finger
tight .
77 Renew any push rods that are bent or have worn
or scored ball or socket ends.
78 Insert the push rods ensuring that the ball end
locates properly in the spherical seat in the tappet .
79 Whilst holding the rocker shaft assembly
together, lower it into position making sure that the 87 Continue to check and adjust the remaining
hollow dowels locate properly in the cylinder head . tappets in the following order .
Also ensure that the rocker adjusting screw ball end Set NO 3 tappet with NO 6 valve fully open
locate in the push rods. Set NO 5 tappet with NO 4 valve fully open
80 Fit the rocker shaft large retaining bolts and leave Set NO 2 tappet with NO 7 valve fully open
finger tight. Set NO 8 tappet with NO 1 valve fully open
81 Tighten the cylinder head retaining bolts, evenly, Set NO 6 tappet with NO 3 valve fully open
to the specified torque in the order as shown in the Set NO 4 tappet with NO 5 valve fully open
illustration. Set NO 7 tappet with NO 2 valve fully open
Fit the rocker cover
88 Using a new gasket, fit the rocker cover and secure
with the three domed nuts and washers . Tighten
evenly to the specified torque . Do not overtighten.
82 Fit and tighten the rocker shaft, small bolts to the
specified torque .
Fit the cylinder head oil feed pip e 96 Locate the water bypass elbow with a new joint
0 washer to the thermostat housing, also the power
89 Connect the oil feed pipe, for lubrication of the steering pump mounting bracket and secure with three
rocker shaft assembly, to the cylinder head. bolts .
90 Secure with the two banjo bolts and four joint 97 Refit the bypass hose and secure with the "jubilee"
washers. clip .
Fit the thermostat and housing assembly Clean, test and fit the heater plug s
91 Insert the thermostat into its housing . 98 Remove the knurled terminal nuts from the heater
92 Place a new joint washer in position on the therm- plugs.
ostat housing top face . 99 Detach the heater plug and washers.
93 Fit the thermostat cover to the housing . 100 Remove car :,on from base of heater plugs to avoid
94 Place a new joint washer on the cylinder head . the possibility of short circuiting of the element . Do
95 Fit the complete assembly to the cylinder head not sand blast.
using the three bolts and washers . Evenly tighten the 101 Examine the element for signs of fracture and
bolts to the specified torque. deterioration and the seating for scores . Plugs with
fractures or doubtful elements must be renewed .
Where scoring of the seating may impair the seating,
95 the plug should be renewed .
102 Test the plug internal circuit for continuity by
connecting it in circuit with a 12 volt side lamp bulb and
a 12 volt supply . If the bulb does not light an open
circuit is indicated and the heater plug must be
renewed .
PJ 94
M01 10
103 Ensure that the terminals are clean and that the 110 Soak the component parts of the assembly in Shell E
thread at the base of the plug is free from carbon . Calibration Fluid to loosen carbon deposits, but do not
104 Fit the heater plugs to the engine. Do not allow parts of any one assembly to be interchanged
overtighten. with those of another .
106 Fit the heater plug leads, washers and nuts . 111 Brush away all external carbon deposits from
component parts with a brass wire brush and return
them to the fluid bath. Particular care must be exercised
whencleaning the pintle and seat of nozzle valve to avoid
scratching or scoring, which could result in spray dis-
tortion .
112 Clean the three oil feed passages in the nozzle
body with a wire or drill of 1,5mm (0.062in) diameter .
113 Remove the carbon from the annular recess with
the tool illustrated .
Overhaul, test and refit fuel injectors
Service tools required
217483 or
18G 109 or Injector nozzle testing and setting kit
Diesel tune III
278182 or
18G109B or Adaptor Pintaux Injector
Diesel tune 102
278181 or Injector nozzle flushing too l 114 Remove the carbon from the valve seat, using the
18G109E appropriate tool with a rotary motion .
605002 or 115 Select the appropriate size probe from the pocket
18G1487 or Injector nozzle cleaning kit of the cleaning kit and secure it in the pintle hole
FT9101 cleaner. Insert the probe into the bore of the nozzle
valve body and allow the end to extend through the
106 Disconnect the injectors from the fuel spill rail . main fuel outlet, then turn in a rotary manner to .
107 Remove the combined locknut and end cap, remove the carbon.
withdraw the sealing washer.
108 Unscrew the pressure adjusting screw and 114
withdraw the pressure spring and valve spindle .
109 Unscrew the capnut and withdraw the nozzle
valve and body.
M0116 115
. 116 Carbon may be removed from the nozzle valve
cone by inserting the valve into the tool illustrated and
then rotating it alternately in a clockwise then anti-
clockwise manner whilst pressing the valve inward . If
the nozzle is blued or the seating has a dull
circumferential ring indicating pitting or wear, the
nozzle body and valve should be returned to a CAV
Service Agent and replacement parts fitted. Do not
attempt to lap nozzle valve to body. This process
requires special equipment and training .
117 Clean the auxiliary spray hole using the special
tool fitted with probing wire 0,20mm (0 .008in)
diameter .
Note: Allow 1,5mm (0.062in) only to extend from the
chuck and thus minimise the possibility of the
wire bending or breaking while probing . Great
care must be taken to prevent breakage of the
wire in the hole.
120 Fit the nozzle valve to nozzle and chest foi
freedom of movement.
121 Immerse the nozzle body and valve in the fluid
bath and assembly whilst submerged .
122 Wash the remaining components and assemble
the injector in the sequence illustrated during the
123 Set the injection nozzle assembly in accordance
with the following test procedure :
124 To check a nozzle assem ;,.y and to ensure that it
is functioning correctly, a setting outfit, as illustrated,
is essential. A bench covered with linoleum or non-
ferrous sheet metal is most suitable for mounting the
equipment; such a surface facilitates the cleanliness
M0117 essential when checking nozzle parts . Between the
bench and setting equipment a tray, also of non-
ferrous metal, should be positioned to prevent spilt fuel
118 Examine the pressure faces of the nozzle body and
spreading . Small containers may be attached to the
nozzle holder to ascertain their freedom from scoring
bench to isolate the component parts of each
F, and scratches. These surfaces must be perfectly
smooth . assembly . These parts are carefully mated by the
manufacturers and must not be interchanged . Lastly, a
small bath with a cover, containing Shell Calibration
Fluid for washing components, should be kept
conveniently near.
125 The efficient operation of the injection nozzle
assembly is dependent on four main conditions, as
i The nozzle valve must open at 135 Atmospheres .
ii The rate of back leakage must be within 150 to 100
iii Seat tightness must be sufficient to prevent leakage,
iv Spray form must compare favourably with the
illustrations .
126 Pressure setting, back leakage and seat tightness
tests may be made by coupling the injection nozzle and
holder assembly direct to the pressure feed pipe on the
119 With the flushing tool secured to the nozzle seiting equipment, but an adaptor must be fitted
testing outfit, fit the nozzle body (spray holes between the pipe and injection nozzle and holder
uppermost) to the flushing tool and pump test oil assembly when testing spray form . This adaptor, (CAV
through vigorously. This flushing process is necessary Y7044872) increases the pressure of fuel to injection
for the removal of any tiny carbon particles which may nozzle and holder assembly sufficiently for the main
have become lodged in the body after scraping and and auxiliary spray form to be determined .
probing .
Test procedure 134 This should be not less than 5 seconds for the
original nozzle and not less than 7 seconds if a new one
Warning: The injection nozzle must not be allowed to is to be fitted, and not more than 36 seconds for either
point towards the operator when spraying with oil temperature 100 to 21°C (500 to 70°F) .
and the hands must never be allowed to 135 Check externally the top and bottom of nozzle cap
contact the spray which has a force that nut and pressure pipe union nuts for signs of oil
can penetrate the flesh . leakage. If leakage occurs at the nozzle cap nut,
remove the nut and examine the pressure faces of
127 Remove the cap from the setting equipment nozzle holders and nozzle body (see item 1) for
container and fill with 0,8 litre (1 .5 pints) of Shell presence of foreign matter or surface scoring, before
Calibration Fluid . tightening further. A leakproof nozzle assembly with an
128 Air vent the system by removing the vent screw, excessive rate of pressure drop indicates a worn nozzle
allow oil to flow freely for a few seconds and replace valve; the nozzle valve and nozzle body should be
the screw whilst the flow continues . renewed.
129 Operate the pump handle until fluid flows from the
Pressure setting
130 Connect the injector and holder assembly to the 136 The selected operational opening pressures of the
pressure feed pipe with the nozzle pointing . Readjust to this
downwards. The length and bore of this pipe is nozzle valve is 135 atmospheres
setting in the manner described in item 132.
important and replacement pipes must be approximately
75mm (2.9in) between the union nuts and of 3mm Seal tightness
(0.118in) bore .
131 Close the check valve to keep the pressure gauge 137 Wipe the bottom face of the injection nozzle dry
out of circuit and smartly operate the hand lever several and raise the pressure in the system to 125
times to expel all air from the system . atmospheres. A slight dampness on the bottom face is
permissible, but blob formation or dripping indicates a
Leak back test badly seating valve in which case the assembly should
be dismantled for further examination .
132 Adjustment is made by removing the combined
end cap and lock nut from the nozzle holder, and Spray form
turning the adjusting screw clockwise to increase and
anti-clockwise to decrease the opening pressure . 138 Fuel delivery to the injection nozzle assembly
when testing spray form must be characteristically
similar to fuel delivery under normal operating
conditions and to effect these conditions an adaptor
(CAV Y7044872) must be fitted between the injection
nozzle assembly and the pressure pipe.
139 The adaptor differs mainly in the cap nut and
nozzle valve from the ordinary type of injectian nozzle
and holder assembly as fitted to the engine; the nozzle
valve has no pintle.
140 The cap nut is extended, bored and threaded to
receive nozzle for testing.
141 Connect the adaptor assembly to the pressure pipe.
142 Remove the end cap and adjust the opening
pressure of the nozzle valve to 220 atmospheres .
133 Fit assembled injector to nozzle setting equipment
and adjust to open at 160 to 170 atmospheres then
pump up to just below this figure, release the handle to
allow the needle of the gauge to fall naturally . Time the
pressure drop from 150 atmospheres down to 100
143 Screw the injection nozzle and holder assembly to
Is be tested, into the adaptor.
144 With the check valve closed, operate the handle
smartly to expel air from the system . The auxiliary
spray form may be tested at 60 strokes per minute and
the main spray at 140. Spray development from
starting to running speed is illustrated, this illustration
should be referred to and compared with the spray
form of nozzles under test . Spray formation should be
well formed and free from splits or distortion . A slight
centre "core" can be disregarded . Observe the main
spray through 360° to ensure a uniform spray .
146 When satisfactory, fit the combined locknut and
end cap. connect the injectors to the fuel spill rail .
150 Fit the injector and evenly tighten the retaining
nuts to the specified torque . Uneven or overtightening
of the injector nozzle could distort the nozzle and cause
misfiring when normal running temperature is reached .
151 Reconnect the injector pipes but do not over
tighten the union nuts. Counting from the front of the
engine connect the pipes as follows:
A . To number 1 injector B . To number 2 injector
C . To number 3 injector D. To number 4 injector
M0123 Checking nozzle assemblies whilst
Fitting the fuel injector s engine is in situe
146 The steel sealing washer fitted below the injector
Warning : Do not allow the fuel spray to contact the
nozzle is to ensure that the combustion does not take
person otherwise injury may result from
place around the nozzle body and cause it to overheat.
skin penetration.
A washer which has been used more than once, or an
incorrectly fitted washer may cause the nozzle to
When an injection nozzle is considered to be the
overheat and result in that cylinder misfiring .
cause of irregular running and loss of power, a quick
147 Ensure that the new washers are separated from check may be made by loosening the fuel feed pipe
each other and are clean . union nut on each nozzle in turn whilst the engine is
148 Use a length of thin welding wire to guide one idling at approximately 1,000 rev/min . If the injection
washer on into each port with the domed side toward nozzle assembly being checked has been operating
the injector as illustrated . Ensure that only one washer properly, there will be a distinct reduction in engine
is fitted to each port . speed accompanied by obvious roughness, but a faulty
injection nozzle may make little or no difference to the
149 Lightly grease the copper washer into position on
each injector before fitting to the cylinder head . engine note when its fueifeedpipe is loosened .
Spray check 158 Refit the injectors and tighten the union nuts .
159 Connect the spill gallery pipe with the bolt and
152 Remove the fuel spill gallery pipe complete from two washers .
the injection nozzles.
153 Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (injection pump to Fit the air intake and exhaust manifolds
nozzle) from the nozzle to be tested and from the
injection pump . 160 Using a new gasket fit the manifolds and secure
with the retaining nuts and clamps . Evenly tighten to
the specified torque.
161 Fit the air cleaner and seals and secure with the
square headed nut to the top of the inlet manifold .
154 Release the fixings and withdraw the suspected
injection nozzle assembly; reconnect the pipe and
nozzle assembly to the injection pump in a position
whereby fuel ejection may be observed .
156 Loosen the union nuts securing the remaining fuel
pipes to injection nozzles .
156 Whilst the starter turns the engine over, observe
the manner in which fuel issues from the nozzle and
compare the spray form with the correct form as
illustrated .
Very little fuel should issue from the main spray hole
with the engine turning over at starter speed but a fine
spray comparable to that illustrated should be ejected
from the auxiliary spray hole .
157 If the ejected fuel is more in the form of a liquid jet
issues from the main pintle hole, then the nozzle and
holder assembly should be removed for overhaul and a
replacement unit fitted .
1 Remove the drain plug and drain the oil from the
engine and sump into a suitable container.
2 Undo the bolts and washers and remove the sump
and joint washer.
3 Bend back the lock washers and remove the two
bolts securing the oil pump to the crankcase . Withdraw
the oil pump complete with strainer and oil pump drive
shaft .
M0131 ,
Overhaul the oil pump
7 Examine the gears for wear, scores and pits. If the
gears appear serviceable check for end-float as follows :
8 Clean the pump body and assemble the gears .
Place a straight edge across the pump body face, as
illustrated and using a feeler gauge, measure the/
clearance between the body and gears . The correct
clearances are as follows .
9 Idler gear 0,07 to 0,15mm (0 .003 to 0.006in) .
10 Driver gear 0,05 to 0,12mm (0.002 to 0.005in) .
Dismantling the oil pum p
4 Bend back the lock washer and release the nut
securing the strainer to the oil pump body and remove
the strainer and sealing ring .
5 Remove the four bolts and washers and lift off the
oil pump cover and lift out the driver and idler gears .
a) driver gear b) idler gea r
6 Remove the oil pressure relief valve plug and
sealing washer. Withdraw the relief valve spring,
plunger and ball.
Note : Later pumps have ten toothed gears and no
relief valve ball .
11 Gears must be renewed in pairs. A worn, but 17 Fit the idler gear to the spindle.
serviceable gear, must not be matched with a new one. 18 Fit the driver gear with plain part of the bore
12 If necessary renew the idler gear spindle by drilling uppermost. See illustration after instruction 10
out the peened over end of the spindle so that the
spindle can be withdrawn from the pump body . To
ensure squareness when fitting the new spindle,
assemble it into the pump body with the two gears . Fit
the cover and secure with the four bolts. Support the
pump body and peer over the end of the new spindle .
Remove the cover and gears and check security of the
13 If worn, remove the idler geeF-Isush and press in a
replacement. Drill the lubrication hole 3,17mm
(0.125in) and ream the bush to 12,7mm (0.500in)
19 Smear the joint face of the body with jointing
compound and fit the cover over the dowels and the
strainer bracket and secure with the four bolts and
spring washers.
20 Hold relief valve bore vertically and insert the ball
followed by the plunger with the ball seat end first . Fit
the spring, sealing washer and plug.
21 Fit the oil strainer sealing ring to the pump body
followed by the lock washer and strainer . Tighten the
strainer retaining nut so that when fitted the strainer is
positioned parallel to the sump baffle plate. Secure the
nut with the lock washer tab .
22 Secure the lower end of the bracket to the strainer
with the single bolt, spring and plain washer .
Fit the oil pump and sum p
23 Fit the longer splined end of the drive shaft into .
14 A scored ball valve seat can be restored by using the oil pump.
a locally made lapping tool by silver soldering a new 24 Fit the oil pump and drive shaft to the crankcase,
ball (part number 3748) onto a length of suitable tube . whilst revolving the shaft as necessary to engage the
15 Install the tube in a drill and lap-in using coarse splines of the skew gear .
grinder paste . Finally hand-lap the seat with fine paste 25 Using new lock washers, secure the pump to the
using the same diabalo method as for lapping valves . crankcase tightening the bolts to the specified torque
16 Thoroughly wash the pump body to remove all and bend over the lock tabs .
traces of grinding paste .
26 If necessary adjust the position of the strainer so F. STRIP AND OVERHAUL OF ENGINE BLOCK
that it is parallel to the sump baffle plate .
27 Clean the sump and cylinder block mating faces. Special tools required
270304 Cork seal guide
28 Apply a bead of RTV HYLOSILL 102 black 530101A Valve guide remover
approximately 7mm (0.27in) wide to the cylinder block
or sump mating face. 1 Remove the flywheel and clutch.
29 Fit the sump within 30 minutes of applying sealant (Manual models only) or the flywheel and adaptor plate
and secure with the bolts and tighten evenly to the (Automatic models only) as stated in section B .
specified torque. 2 Remove the timing belt, pulleys and timing case
as stated in section C.
Note: RTV Liquid Sealant is available under part
number RTC 3254 from Land Rover Ltd . 3 Remove the cylinder head as stated in section D.
4 Remove the sump and oil pump as stated in
section E.
Note: After the four preceding operations all that
remains is the engine block and its associated
parts .
5 Remove the two bolts and remove the oil filter
1J assembly complete, unscrew the filter element and
6 Undo the six bolts and withdraw the rear side
plate complete with fuel pump (and bracket -
Automatic models only) .
7 Remove the dipstick, undo the engine block drain
plug, allow any excess water to drain from the block .
Remove the tappets, rollers and guides 0
8 Remove the eight tappet guide locating bolts from
the right hand side of the engine.
Caution: Do not remove the tappet guides before the
rollers otherwise the rollers may fall behind
the camshaft.
9 Using long nosed pliers or a suitable bent length of
wire lift out the tappet slides and identify them with
their respective guides for possible refitting .
10 Lift out the tappet rollers and mark the side facing
the front of the engine for possible reassembly.
14 Since the camshaft sprocket has already been
removed, remove the two bolts and the camshaft
thrust plate and carefully withdraw the camshaft .
15 Inspect the camshaft and discard if any of the
following visual defects are evident :-
Scored, worn, pitted or chipped cams . Worn, corroded
and discoloured journals. Worn and chipped gearteeth.
11 L'rft out the tappet guides and retain with their
respective slides and rollers . If the guides are difficult to
remove use special tool 530101A .
12 Carefully examine all parts and discard any that
are worn or damaged.
Remove the connecting rods and pistons
16 During the following instructions it is important
that all components are kept in related sets and the
pistons are identified with their respective bores .
17 Turn the crankshaft to bring the connecting rod
caps to an accessible position and remove each cap
and lower shells in turn. Note that the connecting rod
Mo 140 caps are numbered one to four.
Remove the camshaft
18 Push each piston assembly up the bore and
13 Remove the skew gear bush retaining screw and withdraw from the cylinder block . Assemble the caps
lift out the skew gear bush assembly . and shells to the connecting rods and place to one side
for inspection with the cylinder block at a later stage .
25 To check for straightness, support the front and
1 J rear main bearing journals in "V" blocks and position a
dial indicator to check the run out at the centre main
bearing journal . Run out must not exceed 0,076mm
(0.003in) taking into account any ovality in the centre
journal . The overall allowable wear limit should not
exceed 0,114mm (0.0045in) for main bearing joumal
and 0,088mm (0.0035in) for crankpins. A crankshaft
worn beyond the limits of maximum taper, ovality and
overall wear must be renewed . Regrinding of the
journals is not permissible. .
Removing the oil jet tubes
26 Undo the jet retaining bolts and remove the four
oil jet tubes and washers.
Remove and inspect crankshaft
19 Undo the bolts and washers and remove the main
bearing caps and shells and lift out the crankshaft .
Collect the bearing shells from the bearing saddles and
the thrush washers from the centre saddle.
20 Degrease the crankshaft and clear out the
oilways, which can become clogged after long service. 27 Clean the jet tubes ensuring that there is no
21 Examine visually, the crankpins and main bearing blockage whiehroviFFprevent the pistons and bores from
journals for obvious wear, scores, grooves and being lubricated .
overheating . A decision at this stage should be made 28 Remove the alternator mounting bracket from
as to whether the condition of the shaft is worth the base of block.
continuing with more detailed examination .
22 With a micrometer, measure and note the ovality Examine and overhaul the cylinder bloc k
and taper of each main bearing journal and crankpin as
follows. 29 Degrease the cylinder block and carry out a
thorough visual examination checking for cracks and
23 Ovality - Take two readings at right angles to damage. To check the main bearing caps and saddles
each other at various intervals . The maximum ovality for distortion, f it the main bearing cap . without bearing
must not exceed 0,040mm (0.0015in ) shells, and tighten to the specified torque . Slacken and
24 Taper - Take two readings parallel to each other remove the bolt on one side of each bearing cap and
at both ends of the main bearings journal and crankpin . check with a feeler gauge that no clearance exists at
The maximum permissible taper must not exceed the joint face between the cap and saddle .
0,025mm (0.001in) .
Check crankcase main bearings 41
37 Discard scored, pitted, cracked and worn bearing
38 To determine the maximum wear, assemble the
main bearing shells and caps to the crankcase and
tighten the bolts to the correct torque figure.
39 Using an inside micrometer, measure each
bearing at several points and note the greatest figure .
The maximum wear is the difference between this
figure and the smallest diameter of the corresponding
crankshaft journal. The main bearing running clearance
is 0,018 to 0,061 mm (0.0007 to 0 .0024in) .
40 The bearing clearances may also be determined by
using "Plastigauge" . Since this method requires the
crankshaft to be fitted to the crankcase, the procedure
Inspect the cylinder bores is described under the sub section "Engine assembly" .
30 Measure the cylinder bores for ovality, taper and Fit cylinder sleeves
general wear, using any suitable equipment. However,
an inside micrometer is best for checking ovality and a 41 Cylinder bores that cannot be rebored can be
cylinder gauge for taper. restored by fitting sleeves to enable standard size
pistons to be fitted . Sleeving one cylinder only will
31 Check the ovality of each bore by taking distort the adjacent bore so sleeving must be carried
measurements at the top of the cylinder just below the out in pairs, i.e. 1 and 2 or 3 and 4.
ridge at two points diametrically opposite . The
difference between the two figures is the ovality of the 42 Machine the cylinder bores to accept the sleeves
top of the bore . Similar measurements should be made to 94,425 + 0,012mm (3 .7175 + 0.0005in). This will
approximately 50mm (1 .97in) up from the bottom of give the sleeve a 0,076 to 0,114mm (0.003 to 0.0045)
the bore so that the overall ovality may be determined . interference fit.
32 The taper of each cylinder is determined by 43 Press the sleeves squarely into the bore using a
taking measurements at the top and bottom of each pressure of two to three tons. Excessive pressure could
bore at right angles to the gudgeon pin line . The damage the sleeve and cylinder block . The sleeves
difference between the two measurements is the taper. must not be proud of the cylinder block top face or
more than 2,54mm (0.1 in) below the surface .
33 To establish maximum overall bore wear, take
measurements at as many points possible down the 44 Bore and hone the sleeves to accommodate the
bores at right angles to the gudgeon pin line . The pistons with the required clearances, see sub section
largest recorded figure is the maximum wear and "Piston and connecting rod inspection" .
should be compared with the original diameter of the
cylinder bore. Piston and connecting rod inspection
Maximum permissible ovality 0,127mm (0 .005in)
45 The following checks relating to pistons and rings
Maximum permissible taper 0,254mm (0 .010in)
must also be carried out prior to fitting new pistons to
Maximum permissible overall wear 0,177mm (0 .007in)
rebore and sleeved cylinder blocks . Until it is decided if
34 If the figures stated previously are exceeded, the new components are required all parts must be kept in
cylinders must be rebored or sleeved depending upon their related sets and the position of each piston to its
the general condition of the bores and amount of wear . connecting rod should be noted .
35 Alternatively, if the overall wear, taper and ovality 46 Remove the piston rings and gudgeon pin from
are well within the acceptable limits and the original each piston and detach the connecting rod.
pistons are serviceable new piston rings may be fitted .
It is important however, that the bores are deglazed,
with hone, to give a cross-hatched finish to provide a
seating for the new rings . It is vital to thoroughly wash
the bores afterwards to remove all traces of abrasive
material .
Inspect the camshaft bearing s
36 Measure the internal diameter of each camshaft
bearing at several points using an internal micrometer .
A comparison of the bearing diameters with those of
the respective camshaft journals will give the amount
of clearance . The bearings should be renewed if the
clearance exceeds 0,0508mm (0 .002in) or, in any
event, if they are scored or pitted . This work should
only be entrusted to line boring specialists .
E 47 Original pistons: Decarbonise and degrease all
components and carry out a visual examination of the
pistons and rings and discard any which are
unserviceable. Pistons which appear serviceable
should be subjected to a more detailed examination as
described in the next paragraph .
48 New pistons: Original pistons fitted to new 11
engines at the factory are specially graded to facilitate
assembly. The grade letter on the piston crown should
be ignored when ordering new pistons . Genuine "Land
Rover" service standard size pistons are supplied
0,025mm (0.001 in) oversize to allow for production
tolerances on new engines .
49 When fitting new pistons to a standard size
cylinder block the bores must be honed to ndo 149
accommodate the pistons with the correct clearances .
In addition "Land Rover" pistons are available 0,50 and Inspect the piston rings
1,01 mm (0.019 and 0.039ins) oversize for fitting to
rebored cylinder blocks. 55 Normally when an engine is being overhauled the
50 Clearance limits for new standard size pistons piston rings are discarded unless the pistons have been
in a standard cylinder bores measured at right angles to removed for a different purpose and the engine has
the gudgeon pin is 0,025 to 0,05mm (0 .001 to 0.002in). only completed a small mileage . Before refitting the
When taking the following measurements the cylinder piston, the rings should be examined for wear and
block and pistons must be at the same temperature to damage . In addition the rings must be checked for side
ensure accuracy. clearance in the pistons and gap in the bores. The latter
two checks must be made when fitting new rings to
51 Using a suitable micrometer measure the pistons
at the bottom of the skirt at right angles to the gudgeon new and used pistons.
pin. 56 Check gap: When checking the ring gap in worn
52 With an inside micrometer or cylinder gauge bores,but are nevertheless within the acceptable taper
measure the diameter of the bore at approximately half and ovality limits, the ring must be inserted squarely
way down and note the reading. into the bottom of the bore at the lowest point of the
piston travel. To ensure squareness of the ring, push
the ring down the bore to the correct position with a
piston . With newly machined bores, the ring may be
inserted squarely into any position in the bore .
57 Using an appropriate feeler gauge check the gaps
of all the rings, in turn, including the oil control ring
assembly. The correct gaps are:
a) Compression NO 1 (Top) 0,35 to 0,50mm (0.013
0 to 0.020in )
b) Compression NO 2 (Middle) 0,25 to 0,38mm
(0.010 to 0.015in )
c) Oil control NO 3 (Bottom) 0,279 to 0,406mm
(0.011 to 0 .016in)
If any gap is less than that specified, remove the ring
and file the ends square, whilst holding the ring in a
filing jig or vice . Should any gap be excessively wide
and not likely to close up to within the specified limits
when hot, an oversize ring should be fitted .
53 The clearance is determined by subtracting the
piston diameter from the bore diameter .
54 If gauge equipment is not available the clearance
can be assessed by placing a long, suitably sized, feeler
gauge down the thrust side of the bore and inserting
the appropriate piston, "upside down", in the bore and
position it with the gudgeon pin parallel to the
crankshaft axis . Push the piston down the bore and
stop at the tightest point and whilst holding the piston
still, slowly withdraw the feeler gauge . If a steady
resistance of approximately 2,5kg (5 .5lbs) is felt, the
clearance is satisfactory .
58 Check piston side clearance : It is important a
that the clearances are correct. Rings that are too tight
will bind when hot, impairing the radial pressure
causing possible load of compression . Excessive
clearance will allow the rings to rock in the grooves and
the resulting pumping action could cause excessive oil
consumption and eventually broken rings. 64
59 Fit the oil control ring to the bottom groove. Fit
the unpolished compression ring with the word "Top"
uppermost to the second groove . Insert the polished
chrome ring with an internal chamfer and the word
"Top" uppermost to the top groove .
60 After fitting each ring, roll it round the piston
groove to ensure that it is free and does not bind .
61 Using an appropriate feeler gauge check the
clearance between the rings and piston grooves.
Clearances in excess of 0,102 to 0,152mm (0.004 to
0.006in) are unacceptable and the ring and/or the
pistons should be removed . 66 Use an accurate connecting rod alignment gauge
to check the rods for bend and twist . The maximum
Compression rings:- 0,064 to 0,11mm (0 .0025 to allowable for both conditions must not exceed
0.0045in) 0,127mm (0.005in) .
Oil control ring :- 0,038 to 0,064mm (0.0015 to 0.0025in) 67 Examine and check the small end bush for wear . If
necessary renew the bush. The correct clearance of the
gudgeon pin in the small end bush is 0,0196 to
61 0,008mm (0.00077 to 0.00014in) .
68 When renewing a bush ensure that the oil hole in
the bush lines up with the hole in the connecting rod .
Finish the bush to the correct size and clearance.
69 Connecting rod bearings that are worn, pitted,
scored and show signs of overheating must be
discarded. If more than one of the bearings show these
signs they must all be renewed . When fitting new or
used bearings to serviceable crankpins the clearances
must be checked .
Connecting rod bearing nip and clearance
70 New bearing halves are supplied with a protective
coating and must be degreased before fitting .
M015 1
71 Fit the bearing halves to the connecting rod and
cap and secure the assembly with the specified torque.
Inspect gudgeon pins Slacken the nut on one side only and check the
clearance between the joint faces with a feeler gauge .
62 Check the gudgeon pin for wear, cracks, scores 72 The clearance should be between 0,10 and
and overheating . 0,20mm (0.004 and 0.008in). The bearing nip can be
63 The gudgeon pin fit in the piston must be a tight adjusted by the selective assembly of the bearing shells
push fit, at a temperature of 20°C (68°F) . Check the which are available in slightly varying thicknesses . Do
gudgeon pin for ovality and taper using a micrometer. not file or machine the caps or rods to vary the bearing
nip . Make a final check to prove the clearance by
Connecting rod inspection inserting a 0,063mm (0 .0025in) shim paper between
the crankpin and one half of the bearing and tightening
64 Check the connecting rods and caps for distortion to the specified torque . The connecting rod should
as follows; fit the correct cap, less the bearing shells, to resist rotation and move freely with the shim paper
each connecting rod as denoted by the number removed . As an alternative, the bearing clearances can
stamped near the joint faces. This number also be determined by using "Plastigauge" which consists
indicates the crankshaft journal to which it must be of a thin piece of plastic material a few hundreds of a
fitted. millimeter or thousands of an inch in diameter . When
65 Tighten the nuts to the correct torque and release the material is flattened by being squeezed between
. Check, with a feeler gauge, the bearing and crankpin the width of the plastic is
the nut on one side only
that no clearance exists between the joint faces . If measured by a scale gauge which indicates the
there is a gap the connecting rod is distorted and
should be renewed .
73 Wipe any oil from the crankpins and place a 77 The piston must be assembled with the point of
piece of "Plastigauge" across the centre of the bearing the "V", on the piston crown, on the same side as the
in the connecting rod cap . Assemble the rod to the bearing shell location slots in the connecting rod .
appropriate crankpin and tighten to the specified 78 Insert a circlip in one side of the gudgeon pin boss
torque . Do not rotate the connecting rod or crankshaft and assemble the piston to the connecting rod with the
during this operation. gudgeon pin . Secure the assembly with a circlip on the
74 Remove the connecting rod cap and bearing shell opposite side of the piston .
and using the scale supplied measure the flattened
"Plastigauge" indicates the bearing clearance. The
correct clearance with new or overhauled components
is 0,019 to 0,063mm (0 .0007 to 0.00025in) .
75 Wipe off the "Plastigauge" with an oily rag .
Do not scrape off otherwise it may damage the
crankpins .
Connecting rod end float Assemble jet tubes to cylinder block
76 Fit the connecting rods complete with bearings to 79 Oil jet tubes are fi tted to lubricate the pistons and
their respective crankpins . Move the connecting rod to bores directly from the main oil gallery .
one side and check the clearance, with a feeler, on the
opposite side. The correct clearance is between 0,20 80 The jet tubes are "Handed" and can only be fitted
and 0,30mm (0 .008 and 0.0012in). one way. It is important to note that the jet retaining
"bolt" contains a non-return valve and therefore on no
account must an ordinary bolt be used .
81 Clean the recess in the cylinder block using an air
line, if available, to remove any swarf .
82 Assemble and fit the jet tube assemblies as
illustrated ensuring that the pegs locate in the holes in
the cylinder block, and that the larger diameter washer
fits under the bolt head .
83 Before tightening the retaining bolts ensure that
the small squirt pipes do not foul the crankshaft or
pistons . When the crankshaft and pistons have been
fitted, slowly turn the crankshaft and check that no
fouling occurs. Tighten the bolts to the specified
torque .
l I
87 Check each bearing in turn by inserting a 17J
0,063mm (0.0025in) shim paper between the bearing
cap and crankshaft journal and tighten the bolts to the
specified torque. If the clearance is correct, there
should be a slight increase in the resistance to rotation
of the crankshaft.
86 As an alternative "Plastigauge" may be used to
check the clearance in the same manner as with the
connecting rod bearings . This material may also be
used to determine the amount of wear in used bearings
and journals.
89 Locate the crankshaft in position on the upper
bearing halves in the crankcase and wipe any oil from
the journals since "Plastigauge" is soluble in oil . Place
a piece of "Plastigauge" across the lower half of each
crankshaft journal or lower bearing cap shell . Fit the
cap and tighten to the specified torque. Remove the
cap and bearing and using the scale supplied with the
"Plastigauge" measure the flattened "Plastigauge" at
its widest point . The graduation that most closely
corresponds with the width of the "Plastigauge" ~
indicates the bearing clearance .
90 The correct clearance with new or overhauled
components is 0,018 to 0,061 mm (0 .0007 to 0.0024in) .
If new bearings are being fitted use selective assembly
to obtain the correct clearance. Wipe off, not scrape
the "Plastigauge" with an oily rag from the journals or
Fitting the crankshaft
84 Main bearing nip and clearance: New main
bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating
and must be degreased before fitting .
85 Fit the bearing halves in the crankcase saddles
and cap and secure the caps to the crankcase and
tighten to the specified torque . Slacken the bolts on
one side of the caps only and, with a feeler gauge,
check the gap between the joint faces. The clearance
or nip must be within 0,10 to 0,15mm (0.004 to
0.006in) . The bearing nip can be adjusted by selective
assembly of the bearing halves available in varying
thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or saddles
to achieve the correct clearance . Note that the rear
main bearings are wider than the remaining four .
86 To make a final check that the clearance is
correct, leave the bearing halves in the crankcase
saddles and carefully lower the crankshaft into Adjust crankshaft end float
position .
91 Lift out the crankshaft and inse rt a standard size
thrust washer both sides of the centre main bearing
saddle with the grooves towards the crankshaft.
92 Place the crankshaft in position in the crankcase 98 To prevent any cork seal material becoming
and mount a dial test indicator to read off the end of trapped between the bearing cap and crankcase,
the crankshaft. A feeler gauge may be used instead of chamfer the inner edge of the corks 0,40 to 0,80mm
an indicator. ('/e+to'/ 32 in) wide as illustrated.
93 Determine the end float by moving the crankshaft 99 Immerse the cork seals in engine oil and fit them
away from the indicator and zero the dial. Move the to the bearing cap.
crankshaft in the opposite direction and note the 100 Fit the bearing cap and lower shell to the crank-
indicator reading. Alternatively measure the clearance case and secure with new bolts and washers and
with a feeler gauge. The end float should be 0,05 to tighten to the specified torque .
0,15mm (0.002 to 0.006in).
94 If adjustment is required substitute with oversize
thrust washer. Variation of thrust washer thickness at
each side of crankshaft journal must not exceed
0,08mm (0.003in) to ensure that the crankshaft
remains centralised .
101 To allow for shrinkage after fitting leave the cork
seals standing proud of the crankcase sump face . If
possible delay the fitting of the sump for approximately
twelve hours and leave the seal protruding 2,40mm
('/sz in) and then place a 6,35mm ('/s in) washer over
the seal and cut off the surplus. If it is necessary to fit
the sump immediately, trim the seals off leaving
0,80mm ('/32 in) proud, that is, the thickness of the
above washer . Apply Hylomar SQ32M to the
protruding end of the seals .
Note: On later models the cork seals have been
deleted from the rear main leaning cap and
Mo 160 replaced by "Hylosil 102" sealant . See page
95 Lubricate the crankshaft main journals with clean 47 for method of application .
engine oil and fit the appropriate bearing caps and
lower shells to the crankcase with the exception of
number five main bearing. Ensure that the caps locate
properly over the dowels . Using new bolts and washers
evenly tighten to the specified torque.
Fit rear main bearing cap
96 Ensure that number five main bearing cap is clean
and free from old cork seal material .
97 Attach the cork seal guides, 270304, to the
crankcase, as illustrated, and ensure that they are
parallel to the crankcase edge .
Fit the connecting rods and pistons
102 Turn the crankshaft to position numbers one and
four crankpins at bottom dead centre to facilitate fitting
the connecting rods .
103 When fitting the connecting rods and pistons
ensure that the bolts do not foul and damage the
crankpins . As a precaution it is recommended that
rubber or soft plastic sleeves are placed over the
104 The connecting rod bolts have eccentric heads
which locate in a recess in the connecting rod . It is
essential that the head of each new bolt is properly
located before tightening .
. 105 Stagger the compression rings so that the gaps Fit the camshaft
are equidistantly spaced round the piston but, so
arranged, that no gap is positioned on the thrust side of 110 Lubricate the camshaft bearings and with care,
the piston i .e. opposite the camshaft. Turn the oil insert the camshaft into the cylinder block . Temporarily
control ring so that the gap is in line with the gudgeon secure a new thrust plate with the two bolts.
106 Lubricate the cylinder walls, piston rings and
crankpins . Compress the piston rings with a suitable
compressor tool and then carefully lower the
connecting rod/piston assembly into the bore .
111 To check the camshaft end float, fit the woodruff
key and temporarily fit the camshaft pulley and mount
a dial test indicator, as illustrated, so that the stylus
rests in a loaded condition upon the machined face of
the cylinder block. Zero the dial and move the camshaft
back and forward and note the reading. The end float
107 Ensure that the point of the arrow headed valve should be within 0,06 to 0,1 mm (0 .0024 to 0.0005in) . If
clearance indentation in the piston crown, must face the end float is outside of these limits, fit different
the camshaft side of the engine . thrust plates until the correct tolerance is achieved .
108 Using a soft mallet, sharply tap the piston into 112 Remove the dial test indicator and camshaft
the bore so that the whole of the piston is just below pulley .
the surface of the cylinder block .
109 Check that the bearing shell is properly located in
the connecting rod and pull the rod onto the crankpin.
Locate the bearing shell correctly and fit the cap so that
the identification numbers are together on the
camshaft side of the engine. Fit and tighten the new
nuts to the specified torque . Repeat the previous
instructions for fitting the remaining piston/connecting
rod assemblies .
Fit thetappets, guides and rollers 122 If necessary remove the valves by cutting away
the retaining stakes with a scraper. Warm the top
113 If the same parts are being refi tted ensure that cover, note the position of the valves and withdraw
they are returned to their original positions . Ensure that them from the cover.
the tappet slides move freely in the guides .
114 Insert the tappet guides into the cylinder block
nd align the locating screw holes .
115 Fit the tappet rollers ensuring that they are fitted
in accordance with the marks made during removal .
New rollers, however, may be fi tted either way round.
116 Before fitting the tappet slides make sure the
oiiways are clear to the tappet bearing surface, the
cross drilling and the oil feed to the push rod .
117 Insert the tappet slides with the word "Front"
towards the front of the engine.
118 Secure the tappet guides with new Micro-
encapsulated screws and tighten to the specified
torque. Micro encapsulated screws should also be used
on engines when the screws were originally wired for
117 M016 9
123 Turn, whilst pressing down the metal part of the
diaphragm through 900 in either direction and
withdraw the diaphragm and spring .
124 Unstake the oil seal housing and lever out the oil
seal and retainer .
Overhaul and fitting of the fuel lift pump
119 Remove the fuel pump from the side cover and
remove the joint washer.
120 Mark the upper and lower halves of the pump
casing to ensure correct alignment on reassembly .
121 Remove the top cover fixing screws, and while
pressing the diaphragm tab against the pump body, lift
the top cover clear. 125 Using a small chisel, remove the staking from the
rocker arm retainers .
126 Withdraw the retainers and rocker arm .
127 Withdraw the rocker arm pin and washers, detach
the operating link.
128 Withdraw the rocker arm spring .
141 To refit the diaphragm assembly, hold the pump
body with the diaphragm return spring in position, an d
the rocker arm heid outwards . Position the diaphragm
over the spring with the flattened end of the pull rod in
line with the slot in the operating link . Push the
diaphragm inwards and turn to lock .
142 Fit the inlet and outlet valves and secure by staking .
143 Place the top cover assembly in position, aligning
the mark made before dismantling . Fit the securing
screws, but do not tighten at this stage ; using hand
priming lever, fully depress the diaphragm and fully
tighten the securing screws. The diaphragm outer
edges should be approximately flush with the outer
edge of the pump joint faces when fitted .
144 Fit the filter gauge and sealing ring on pumps with
a sediment bowl and fit the bowl and secure with the
129 It is unlikely that the hand priming mechanism will retaining clip . Ensure that the bowl and seal are located
ever require replacement, but it can be removed by squarely. Do not overtighten the securing nut to
filing the hexagon each side of the operating lever and prevent cracking of the bowl.
springing the hand lever clear, withdraw the cork
washers and hand rocker . Test the fuel pum p
130 Clean all the parts in paraffin (Kerosene) and
examine for wear and renew as necessary including all 145 Immerse the pump in a bath of paraffin (Kerosene)
gaskets. and operate the rocker arm several times to flush .
131 Sediment bowl filter disc must be free of damage 146 Hold the pump clear of the bath and continue to
and fit tightly around inlet neck of upper casing . operate the rocker arm until the pump is empty, then
place a finger over the inlet port and operate rocker arm
132 Renew the diaphragm assembly if any sign of
hardening, cracking or porosity is present several times. A distinct suction should be heard when
the finger is removed from the inlet port, denoting that
133 Only very slight wear should be tolerated at the a reasonable degree of suction has been developed .
rocker arm contact face, pivot pin, operating link and
diaphragm pull rod slots 147 Place a finger over the outlet port and again
operate the rocker arm. Air pressure should be felt for
134 Springs should be renewed ensuring that the two to three seconds after the rocker movement has
correct types are used . ceased.
135 Test valves for air tightness, by suction . 148 Build up the air pressure in the pump again, and
136 Check the upper and lower casing flanges for with the finger held firmiy over the outlet, submerge
distortion, using a straight edge. the pump completely in the paraffin bath, then observe
137 Fit the rocker arm spring . the joint face edges for signs of air leakage.
138 Fit the operating link, rocker arm pin and washers .
Fitting the lift pump
139 Fit the rocker arm assembly to the pump body and
secure with the retainers and stake . 149 If the fuel pump was separated from the side
140 Fit the oil seal and retainer and secure by staking . cover, fit the pump to cover first using a new joint
washer between the pump flange and rear cover,
evenly tighten the retaining nuts .
150 Place a new cover plate joint washer in position
and fit the cover and pump assembly to the cylinder
151 Ensure that the pump activating lever rides on top
of the camshaft .
152 Secure the cover, evenly tightening the retaining
bolts, to the cylinder block (and bracket - automatic
models only) .
0 Overhaul and fitting of the skew gear
Note: The coupling can be overhauled without
separating it from skew gear.
153 With circlip pliers remove the retaining circlip .
154 Withdraw the seal collar and remove the inner and
outer seals.
155 Remove the lower circlip and withdraw the sleeve .
160 Dismantling the new coupling, as described
previously. This is necessary, since in the assembled
condition there is no suitable surface for the press tool
to bear upon.
161 Dismantle the old coupling and use the sleeve to
manufacture a suitable press tool . Use a round section
file to increase the depth of the cross-pin slot so that it
will not bear upon the cross-pin when used to press in
the new coupling. Weld a suitable length of steel bar or
tube to the sleeve to complete the tool.
162 Fill the annular groove round the splines of the
coupling with silicone rubber sealant .
11 163 Assemble the skew gear and coupling with the
manufactured press tool in position inside the coupling
and place under the press and slowly press in the new
156 Reassemble the coupling with any new parts that coupling . Clean off the surplus sealant and swarf from
are necessary ensuring that the sleeve fits correctly the internal splines of the skew gear .
over the lower cross-pin and secure with the circlip .
157 Lubricate and fit new seals to the collar and insert
in the coupling and retain with the circlip . Make sure
that the seals are properly located since damaged or
misplaced seals could cause reduced engine oil
pressure .
Renewing the skew gear couplin g
Special tools required
MS47 Press
18G705-1A Collets
~ 158 Position the skew gear and coupling assembly in a
press and support it, as illustrated, with 18G705-1A or
suitable metal bars .
159 Insert a suitable mandrel between the press ram
and end of the coupling shaft and press out the
coupling from the skew gear.
Fit oil filter and adaptor
165 Using a new joint washer fit the oil filter adaptor,
ensuring that the retaining bolts pass through the two
small round holes in the washer .
166 Tighten the two retaining bolts evenly to the
specified torque.
167 Smear a little clean engine oil on the rubber
washer of the new filter, then screw the filter on
clockwise until the rubber sealing ring touches the
machined face, then tighten a further half turn by hand
only . Do not overtighten.
Fitting the dipstick, drain plug and alternator
mounting bracket
168 Fit the dipstick retaining tube, securing the tube
169 Fit the drain plug to the side of the cylinder block .
170 Fit the alternator bracket with the three bolts and
164 Reassemble the new coupling as previously washers to the base of the engine block .
described . Lubricate and insert the skew gear assembly 171 Fit the oil pump and sump as stated in section E .
into mesh with the camshaft gear . Align the location 172 Fit the cylinder head as stated in section D .
hole in the bush and fit a new location screw into the 173 Fit the timing case, pulleys and tuning belt as
cylinder block . stated in section C .
174 Fit the flywheel and clutch (Manual models only)
or the flywheel and adaptor plate (Automatic models
only) as stated in section B .
Number of cylinders . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bore . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,49 mm 3.562 in
Stroke . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,0 mm 3.818 in
Valve operation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overhead by push rods
Main journal diameter . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 63,487 to 63,5 mm 2.499 to 2.5 in
Diametrical clearance .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,02 to 0,063 mm 0.008 to 0.0025 in
Crankpin journal diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,72 to 58,733 mm 2.312 to 2.3128 in
Diametrical clearance .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0,019 to 0,068 mm 0.0008 to 0.0027 in
End-float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0,05 to 0,015 mm 0.002 to 0.006 in
Adjustment . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . Selective thrust washers
Thrust washers available . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . 0,06 mm 0.0025 in
0,12mm 0.005 in
0,18 mm 0.0075 in
0,25 mm 0.010 in
FJ Pistons
Clearance in cylinder:
Bottom of skirt . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,058 to 0,068 mm 0.0023 to 0.0027 in
Piston ring s
Number of rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3 (2 compression, 1 oil control )
Type : Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . Square friction edge, chrome plate d
Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . Bevelled friction edge, marked 'TOP' on upper side
Fitted gap : Top . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 0,30 to 0,50 mm 0.012 to 0.020 in
Second . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0,30 to 0,50 mm 0.012 to 0.020 in
Oil control
Type . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Expander and rails
Fitted gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,33 to 1,40 mm 0.013 to 0.055 in
Gudgeon pins
Type . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Press fit in piston
Clearance in connecting rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 0,002 to 0,020 mm 0.0001 to 0 .0008 in
E Camshaft marked S2
End-float . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 0,06 to 0,13 mm 0.0035 to 0 .0055 in
Valve lift : Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 9,85 m m 0.388 in
Exhaust . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 10,26 m m 0.404 in
Rocker gear
Bush diameter, reamed in position . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,40 to 13,42 mm 0.530 to 0.531 in
Shaft clearance in bush . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,13 to 0,062 mm 0.0005 to 0 .0025 i n
Seat angle . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Head diameter: Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,16 to 39,36 mm 1 .542 to 1 .540 in
Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,32 to 33,42 mm 1 .312 to 1 .316 in
Clearance in guide : Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,033 to 0,048 0 .0013 to 0 .0019 in
Exhaust .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 0,058 to 0.0073 m m 0 .0023 to 0 .0029 in
Valve spring s
Inner : Free length . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 42,67 mm 1 .680 in
Load at fitted length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 kg 17.7 lb
Outer: Free length .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,3 mm 1 .587 in
Load at fitted length . . _ . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,0 kg 46 .0 lb
Fuel lift pump . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AC, mechanical
Pressure range . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. 0,35 to 0,56 kgf/cm2 5 to 81bf/in2
Fuel injection pump . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Mechanically governed, distributor type C .A.V. model
D.P.S. 8520A/300A; 3001 A on later models.
Fuel injectors . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C.A .V. Pintaux model 5385001
Nozzle size . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . B.D .N .O./SPC6209
Operating pressure of nozzle vaive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 135 atmospheres
Back leakage rate 150 to 100 atmospheres :
New nozzle . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 7 seconds
Start of injection. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 13? B .T.D.C.
Valve timin g
Inlet valve : Opens . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 16? B .T .D .C .
Closes . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 42? A.B .D .C .
Exhaust valve: Opens. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 51? B .B .D.C.
Closes. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13? A.T .D.C.
Peak opening of exhaust valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 109? B .T .D .C . E
System pressure:
Engine warm at 2000 rev/min. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 2,5 to 4,57 kgf/cm= 35 to 65 Ibf/in=
Oil pump. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Double gea r
Drive . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Splined shaft from camshaft gear
End-float: Steel gear . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 0,05 to 0,12 mm 0 .002 to 0 .005 in
Aluminium gear . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0,07 to 0,15 mm 0 .003 to 0 .006 in
Radial clearance . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0,02 to 0,10 mm 0 .001 to 0.004 in
Backlash of gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0,15 to 0,28 mm 0.006 to 0.012 in
Relief valve spring:
Free length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 67,82 mm 2.67 in
Fitted length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 61,23 mm 2.45 in
Load at fitted length . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2,58 kg 5.7 lb
Filter external disposable type . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G .F.E 175
Engine - Diesel
Capacity . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2495 cm' 152 .26in'
Compression ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .0:1
Firing order . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1-3-4-2
Idlingspeed . . .. . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 700 ? 50 rev/min
Valve rocker clearance (cold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 0,25 mm 0.010 i n
Timing marks :
Exhaust valve E.P. =109? B .T.D .C . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . On engine flywheel and crankshaft pulley
Injection timing 13? B.T.D.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . On engine flywheel, crankshaft pulley and fuel
injection pump flange
Heater plugs
M a ke / type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Micronova 465-10.
Fuel injection pum p
Maximum speed setting ( sealed) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4400 ? 80 engine rev/min
Rear main bearing cap sealing
A change has recently been introduced to the method
of sealing the rear main bearing cap . Hitherto sealing
was accomplished using "T" shaped cork packing
strips one each side of the cap . Sealing is now
achieved by injecting "Hyiosil 102" (black) into the
slots formally occupied by the packing strips . This
material may also be used on all earlier engines where
the caps were sealed with packing strips .
The method is as follows :-
1. With the sump removed, fit the main bearing cap
and tighten the bolts to the correct torque,
130-136 Nm (96-100 lbf .ft) .
2 Turn the crankshaft to bring numbers two and
three pistons to Top Dead Centre so that the
crankshaft webs will not obscure the bearing
3. Using a suitable applicator, inject the sealant into
the main bearing cap slot adjacent to the bearing
cap bolt recess until it emerges from the upper
end of the slot ,
4. Repeat instruction 3 on the opposite side of the
bearing cap.
5. Remove surplus sealant .
Note: When removing surplus sealant from the
sump gasket face, ensure that the sealant is
cleaned off level to the cylinder block
machined face.
Component/Fixing Ibf/ft N .m. Kgf/ m
Fuel lift pump to side cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 20 20-28 2.1 -2 .7
Tappet sleeve retaining bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 20 23-28 2.3-2 .7
Vacuum pump to cylinder block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2. 7
Vacuum pump top cover bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10.5 1
Clutch pressure plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 28 30-38 3.0-3.8
Flywheel to crankshaft bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 - 105 130-143 13.3- 14.5
Flywheel housing to cylinder block bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 37 40-50 4.2-5 . 1
Engine sump pan bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 15 15-20 1 .5-2 .0
Main bearing cap bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 - 100 130-136 13.3-13.8
Big end bearing cap nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 - 30 37 - 41 3.7 - 4. 1
Oil squirt jet bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 14.5 14 - 20 1 .4 - 2.0
Oil pump cover bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 - 2 .0 20-28 2.0-2 .7
Oil pump to cylinder block bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2. 7
Oil filter housing to cylinder block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 37 40-50 4.2-5 . 1
Cylinder head oil feed pipe banjo bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 18 20-25 2.0-2 .5
Heater plug to cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 20 2.0
Rocker cover nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2 .7
Cylinder head bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 - 95 115- 130 11 .8- 13. 1
Rocker pedestal to cylinder head bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2 .7
Rocker shaft securing bolt (in No. 2 pedestal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 19 20-27 2.0-2 .6
Viscous fan coupling to water pump (Loctited, LEFT HAND thread) 30 - 37 40-50 4.2-5. 1
Cooling fan to viscous coupling hub bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 - 6 .5 7 - 9 0.8 - 0.9
Water pump pulley bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2. 7
Water pump to front cover bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2.7
Engine front cover to cylinder block bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2. 7
Crankshaft pulley bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 - 206 260 - 280 26.5 - 28.4
Camshaft timing gear bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 37 40-50 4.2-5 . 1
Fuel injection pump timing gear nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 - 35 42-48 4.3-4. 8
Timing belt idler pulley bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30- 37 40-50 4.2-5. 1
Timing belt tensioner nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2. 7
Camshaft thrust plate bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .5 - 7 7 - 10 0.8 - 1 . 0
Engine side cover bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20 22-28 2.4-2 .7
Injector securing nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 20 20-28 2.0-2. 7
Timing belt tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 10 10.5 - 13 1 - 1 .4
Section 4
TORQUE CONVERTER The planetary gear train consists of two sun gears, two
Description sets of pinions, a pinion carrier and a ring gear . Helical involute
tooth form is used throughout. Power enters the gear train via
The torque converter is bolted to the drive plate attached the sun gears.
to the crankshaft while the driven member is splined internally In all forward gears power enters through the primary sun
to accept the converter out-put shaft . The stator is mounted gears. In reverse, power enters through the secondary sun
on a one-way sprag clutch, the hub of which is splined to a gear. Power leaves the gear train by the ring gear . The pinions
fixing on the oil pump housing . are used to transmit power from the sun gears to the ring gear.
Oil is supplied to the torque converter under pressure and In reverse, a single set of pinions is used which causes the ring
returns by way of the oil cooler to the tranmission sump . The gear to rotate in the opposite direction to the sun gear . In the
position of the oil cooler prevents the converter from draining forward gears, a double set of pinions is used to cause the ring
whilst the vehicle is not operating. The secondary regulator gesr to rotate in the same direction as the sun gear. The carrier
valve maintains torque converter pressure. locates the pinions in their positions relative to the sun gears
and the ring gear (and also forms a reaction member for
Operation certain oonditions) . The various mechanical ratios of the gear
With the car stationary and in gear, the driven member set are obtained by the engagement of hydraulically operated
will be stationary. The driving member will, however, be multi-disc clutches and brake bands .
turning with the engine. As engine speed is increased, oil will
be thrown to the outside by centrifugal force . The vanes of the Fig. 2 shows the relationship of the various components
driving member then direct the oil flow against the outer vanes of the gear train assembly with the exception of the planet E
of the driven member with considerable force, causing it to carrier which is omitted so that the pinions can be seen .
rotate and drive the transmission.
After the oil has passed through the vanes of the driven
member, it tends to be directed back against the inner vanes
of the driving member contrary to engine rotation . To
overcome this, the stator mounted between the driving and
driven members on its one-way clutch changes the direction
of the flow to clockwise, thus assisting the driving member to
drive the car. This provides torque multiplication up to a
maximum of approximately 2 :1 (at stall).
As the vehicle moves away, the speed of the driven
member approaches that of the driving member and the rate
of flow through the vanes is reduced, resulting in less force
being applied to the stator. With increased speed or reduction
in load, the force with which the oil is thrown up against the
back of the stator blades will increase and when a certain point
is reached, the stator will free-wheel on its one-way clutch .
This is known as coupling point. Torque multiplication now
ceases and the unit operates as a fluid coupling with a torque
multiplication ratio of 1 : 1
1 . Park Gear ?. Primary sun gear
2. Primary pinions Ishortl 5. Secondary sun gear
3. Secondary pinions Ibngl 6. Ring gev
Fig . 2 - Sectional view of gear trai n
A parking pawl engages with the external teeth of the ring
gear to provide positive locking of the geat train in 'P' .
The two multi-disc clutches, the two bands and the
'sprag' type one-way clutch operate with the gear train to
provide the three forward ratios, neutral and reverse. Engine
braking occurs in all ratios except low gear in the "D" .
The following series of power flow tables indicate how
the various ratios are brought into operation by the
engagement of appropriate bands and clutches .
Selector Fron t Front Rear Rear One-wa v
Position Ratio Clutch Band Clutch Band Clutc n
R Reverse
i . Turbine
D Low
2 . Stator
3 . One-way clutc h D Inter
D High is,
1 Low
Fig . 1 - Sectional view of torque converter 1 Inter